点击这里注册2024年博士学位. 爱德华一个. 英国皇家奖学金晚宴


使学生能够平衡工作和生活, 我们预计总体平均作业负荷不超过2.每晚5小时, 也就是说,不同的日子和学生会有所不同, 老师每晚布置的家庭作业平均不应超过20分钟. 

学生不应在三个主要假期期间收到任何作业, 这样他们就可以放松了, 休息和充电. 家庭作业不应该在普珥节的第二天和赎罪日的晚上交. No written assignments/exams can be scheduled during the first two days after returning from vacation. No major assignments should be due in the time that they could not be reasonably completed after vacation (typically 2-3 weeks). AP课程除外, 英语系阅读作业, 以及自愿学习Torah的额外学分项目.


为了减轻测试和主要任务的负担, 并允许学生提前计划, 学院为所有主要科目设立了“考试日”计划. 这个项目的目标是所有的主要作业都应该按时完成, 考试安排在该科目的“考试日”.“然而, 如果考试日因节假日不能参加考试, 组装, 或跳过, 可指定另一天. 考试可能不会在禁食的日子进行.


Students who are not in attendance in the morning may not be allowed to take a test in the afternoon for full credit.  相反,他们的分数将被自动降低1/2分(100分制中的5分).  补考可能会在不同的日期进行.

Semester final make-ups will be given on the Friday of finals week (exceptions to this may occur based on the calendar year).



以上规则不适用于测验, 哪门课可以在任何一节课上进行, 宣布或未宣布.  出于这些目的, 小测验与普通考试的区别在于,它所涉及的内容少于上周的内容, 不到二十分钟就完成了吗, 还不到考试成绩的四分之一.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场根据以下时间表分配课程成绩. 平均绩点仅根据期末成绩计算. 减(-)或加(+)对GPA计算没有影响. 有效的转学分,虽然列在ICJA成绩单上,但不包括在GPA计算中.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场指导部指导主任 路易斯·弗莱格尔曼拉比 (773-973-1450 x 125)



年级的修正 & 改变“不完整”

Students receiving a grade of “Incomplete” at the end of a quarter or semester have 6 weeks to make up the required work. 在此期间,如果有任何处罚,由老师自行决定. 在规定的时间后,学生的成绩将改为“F”。.

从收到成绩单到比赛成绩,学生有3周(15个工作日)的时间. 一旦发生这种情况,只有由于文书或教师的错误,才能改变成绩. 请求应向学生的老师提出. 老师会在学生提出要求后一周内作出回应. 老师对成绩的决定是最终的,不得上诉.


学生如欲转班,必须于 点击这里 (由他/她的父母共同签署)到指导部. 一般来说,学生将在2个上课日内得到初步答复. 所有秋季课程变更申请必须在9月20日前提交.

在特殊情况下,学生可能被允许在退课截止日期后退课. 在这种情况下,评分为“W”(代表“退出”). 该成绩不会计入平均绩点,而是作为该课程的学期成绩.


为了保证ICJA学术课程的质量, 以下是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场转学分的政策.

  1. Students who are enrolled in ICJA must receive prior approval from the guidance department when taking outside courses for credit. This approval should be obtained at least 6 weeks in advance of the school year in which the course is to be taken. 批准申请可以通过“外部信用”表格提交,请填写 点击这里. 高中前的学分不能转换到ICJA.
  2. ICJA只接受选修学分的转学课程,不能满足核心要求. 例如, 如果学生想在ICJA以外的地方学习历史课程, 那门课满足不了三个条件中的任何一个.5 history credits required for graduation but will count towards the elective credit required for graduation. Or, 暑期修读普通化学课程的学生, 还需要在ICJA学习三年的科学课程吗, but may be able to advance to an honors level chemistry or directly to a regular level physics course.
  3. 如果学生的必修课不及格, 他/她可能, 经指导部门事先批准, 被允许在ICJA之外补课.
  4. 其他认可学校的学分将根据完成的学时数被接受. 一年的学分等于120小时的课堂教学加上任何家庭作业.
  5. 而转学分的成绩将记录在ICJA成绩单上, 它们不会计入学生的GPA或班级排名.
  6. 在学年期间, an outside course may only be taken if it is in a subject that is not offered or cannot be scheduled at ICJA.
  7. Enrollment in online courses will be subject to review based on a student’s attendance and demonstration of the ability to work independently.


  1. 升入下一年的另一级别课程.

  2. 参加ICJA不提供的AP课程.

  3. 参加我们无法安排的ICJA核心课程. 在这种情况下,ICJA将承担在线课程的费用.

  4. Students with an IEP and receiving academic support may be eligible for online classes on a case-by-case basis. 学术支持的具体建议和ICJA管理部门的批准. 课程进度需要每周由学术支持监督.


Kollel extra credit will be available to students who study in the Kollel for 10 documented hours and will grant a grade symbol change only in the subject studied in the kollel. 一个学生每学期最多只能换一个符号.


All food brought into the building must be Kosher in accordance with proper school-sanctioned certification (e.g., cRc, OU, kf - k, o-K).

“K”不一定是犹太教的有效符号,因此是不可接受的. 在家做的食物是不允许在学校给别人吃的. 所有在校外购买的食品必须符合学校的犹太饮食标准, 所有经常光顾的餐馆都必须在东正教拉比的监督下.

开车 & 停车的特权


  • 申请在停车场停放车辆的许可, 学生必须在办公室登记他们的车牌号码和车辆.
  • 司机不得超过5米.p.h. 在学校操场上.
  • 不要把车停在有标志的预留车位上.
  • 违章停车可能导致警告或学生的车可能被拖走. 所有拖曳费用和罚款将由您负责.
  • Unsafe driving practice is strictly prohibited and will result in suspension of parking privileges and/or detention.

Failure to comply with any of the above rules may result in suspension of parking privileges on Academy grounds, 罚款和拘留.


每个储物柜都配有一把密码锁. 确保贵重物品的安全, 我们建议同学们不要泄露密码,并时刻锁好储物柜. (如果您有任何问题或打不开储物柜,请找Mrs. Nylund.) ICJA储物柜属于学校,可能会不时被检查. Any decorations inside/outside must conform to school standards and writing on inside/outside of the locker is forbidden. The administration will require removal of inappropriate material with penalty for offensive material.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场致力于不歧视的政策. 不分性别,不准生孩子, 残疾, 种族或国籍的学生将被拒绝在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场接受教育. 也不会因为年龄而拒绝雇用任何工作人员, 比赛, color, 性, 宗教, 残疾, 或者国籍. 就业将根据符合工作要求的资格来决定.

Everyone employed in a field requiring licensure must hold and practice within the scope of the relevant license. All individuals assigned to a full-time teaching or administrative position as of 2011-2012 must hold a bachelor’s or higher degree. All employees are required to be fingerprinted and a criminal background check will be conducted through the Illinois State Police and the FBI. The school will not employ any individual who has been convicted for committing attempted first degree murder or for committing or attempting to commit a Class X felony or any one or more of the offenses enumerated in 105 ILCS s/21-23(a), 105 ilcs 5/21b-80. All employees are checked in the Statewide Sex Offender Database and the Statewide Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Database. The school has completed and kept on file the required employment history review documents under 105 ILCS 5/22-94(c)(3) and (4) for any new applicant hired on or after July 1, 2023. 所有员工必须提供无传染病(包括结核病)的证明. All offers of employment are conditioned on receipt of a background check report that is acceptable to ICJA. 所有的背景调查都是按照联邦公平信用报告法进行的, 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》以及州和联邦隐私和反歧视法. 报告是保密的,只有参与招聘过程的个人才能看到. 如果在背景调查中获得的信息会导致ICJA拒绝雇用, 我们会向申请人提供一份报告副本, 申请人将有机会对报告的准确性提出质疑. ICJA同意遵守任何其他适用的州或联邦法律或监管要求.

Teachers and staff are permitted to photograph student activities that further the mission and educational goals of the school.

如果为学生提供交通工具, ICJA Teachers and/or 工作人员 should be accompanied by another Teacher or 工作人员 member when transporting a student.

ICJA Teachers and/or 工作人员 should not transport students in their privately owned vehicle unless the Teacher and/or 工作人员 member has obtained prior permission from a member of the ICJA administration.

用私家车接送学生时, 须取得家长/监护人的同意,并以书面形式记录. If it is not feasible to obtain advance permission or notify a parent/guardian prior to transporting the student (such as an emergency situation or when a parent/guardian cannot be contacted), ICJA Teachers and/or 工作人员 should take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the student; within a reasonable period of time following transportation of a student, Teacher and/or 工作人员 should document what actions were taken and notify ICJA administration in a follow up communication.   


ICJA must check the Illinois State Police Missing Persons Database when receiving a records request for any current or former student.  

Certified copies of transfer students’ records must be requested within 14 days of enrollment; ICJA must send unofficial records of students transferring to other schools within 10 days of the request.



  • 该字段用于验证目的,应该保持不变.